News — Built

Having a small apartment or a bedroom that lacks storage space can be challenging, so you’ll need to think of creative space-saving ways to store your belonging

Built Storage StorageTips Suitcase Under

Having a small apartment or a bedroom that lacks storage space can be challenging, so you’ll need to think of creative space-saving ways to store your belonging

s. With some planning, you can place your belongings under your bed while making your room appear spacious. Below, discover five ways to make the best of the space under your bed. 1. Get a bed frame with built-in drawers One smart way to use the space under your bed is by resting your mattress atop a storage bed frame. Storage beds have built-in drawers that make it easy to stash your belongings out of sight. You can store clothing, shoes, bed linens, and other miscellaneous things in the storage bed’s built-in drawers without sacrificing the space you might need...

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